Open Spoken Ai – Uncensored Text Writer No restrictions Nsfw

Chat API Documentation



The Chat API facilitates the retrieval of chatbots and enables users to interact with them by posting messages.

Base URL


Clients must authenticate with a Basic Authorization header for each request:

Authorization: Basic {authString}

Where {authString} is the base64-encoded string of the format username:password.

Example usage: 

curl -X GET “” -H “Authorization: Basic {authString}”



GET /chat

Retrieve a list of active chats available for interaction.

Query Parameters:

group (optional): Filter chats by a specified group.

Successful Response:


    “message”: “success”,

    “data”: [


            “name”: “string”,

            “chat_code”: “string”,

            “description”: “string”,

            “group”: “string”




No Content Found:


    “message”: “error”,

    “data”: {

        “message”: “No chatbot found for the specified group.”



POST /chat

Send a message to a specific chat and receive a response.


Content-Type: application/json

Authorization: Basic {authString}


Required Payload:

prompt: (string) The input text for the chat response.

request_id: (string) A unique ID to track the request.

webhook_url (optional): (URL) The endpoint to which the response should be sent via webhook.

Successful Response:


    “message”: “success”,

    “data”: {

        “request_id”: “string”,

        “message”: “string”




Error Responses:


Insufficient credits:



    “message”: “error”,

    “data”: {

        “message”: “You have run out of credits to generate words. Please top up and try again.”




Chatbot not found:



    “message”: “error”,

    “data”: {

        “message”: “Chatbot not found.”




Webhook failure:



    “message”: “error”,

    “data”: {

        “message”: “Failed to send response to webhook.”



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